The OCC Library offers a variety of library workshops each semester to information literacy and basic library research skills. Workshops are 60-minutes and are offered in-person and online (via Zoom).
Check with your instructor to see if they will give extra credit for attending a workshop. If you need any assistance or have questions, chat with a librarian using the icon on the lower right hand side of the screen.
Sign up for online workshops at least 1 hour before the workshop. The day of the workshop, you will receive a reminder email including a link to the Zoom session. If you need the link, Chat with a Librarian (icon in lower right corner of this screen).
For in-person workshops no reservations or sign-ups are needed. You can simply come to the Library at the appointed time. If you would like a workshop reminder, sign up online.
Use the links below to learn more about the details of the workshops as well as sign up.