A student-run journal on topics related to musical practice. Articles are written from a variety of disciplinary perspectives including ethnomusicology, musicology, anthropology, sociology and cultural studies.
An open access peer-reviewed music journal.
A peer-reviewed journal for multidisciplinary research on music and meaning.
A peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to the study of practices in music.
An international, interdisciplinary journal of sound and sound experience.
Music Theory Online: A Journal of Criticism, Commentary, Research, and Scholarship
Peer-reviewed, electronic journal of the Society for Music Theory, Inc.
1960-present; Rock's Backpages is a database of rock music writing, sourced from the pages of the music and mainstream press. Thousands of articles (reviews, interviews, features and more) for over 2,000 artists are available.
Original jazz research that is informed by musical and historical knowledge.
An open-access online journal published by the Institute of Jazz Studies at Rutgers.